There was a full house at the second CRES Academy of 2024. The conversation focused on the Biden Administration’s de facto ban on new U.S. liquified natural gas (LNG) export terminals, despite the fact that U.S. LNG is among the cleanest natural gas in the world and an increasingly important geopolitical asset.
The panel, moderated by CRES Forum Senior Policy Fellow Dave Banks, featured Clara Cargile of Rep. August Pfluger’s (R-Texas) office, Liz Bowman of Williams, Preston Howey of the American Petroleum Institute (API) and Wells Griffith, formally with the National Security Council (NSC).

Over 60 congressional staffers attended the session, where panelists highlighted the role U.S. LNG plays in lowering global emissions and reducing U.S. and allied countries’ reliance on foreign adversaries, such as Russia, who rely in dirtier energy sources.
CRES Academy aims to educate Republican staff in the U.S. House and Senate about conservative clean energy and climate priorities. By cultivating the next generation of congressional clean energy experts, CRES Forum can help progress the conservative agenda.
To learn more about how President Biden’s LNG decision will increase global emissions, hurt American business and work against his own so-called “climate agenda,” check out our recent issue brief HERE.