National Clean Energy Week has just wrapped up, but the support for clean energy continues with Energy Efficiency Day.
Today, energy advocates join together to celebrate the 3rd annual Energy Efficiency Day. On this occasion, consumers, businesses, and government officials will highlight the economic advantages of implementing energy efficient technology and practices in a wide range of industries.
Energy efficiency is incredibly important, and this national observance was created to bring awareness to how saving energy can be used as a tool to benefit businesses and the environment.
The U.S. markets have embraced conscientious energy practices with open arms. In 2017, energy efficiency added more new jobs than any other energy industry. Today, 2.25 million people in the U.S. are employed by the energy efficiency sector. That’s almost double the amount of Americans working in the entire industry of fossil fuels.
The economic interest in furthering energy efficiency is truly exciting, and we’re glad to see that Energy Efficiency Day is in full swing this year. The official website features toolkits to help everyday citizens take part in the festivities by helping out in their own way. People who are interested in participating can download toolkits that will help them reach out on social media or contact their elected officials to raise awareness about Energy Efficiency Day.
But becoming a part of Energy Efficiency Day is even easier than that. The website also provides a list of 10 simple things that consumers can do to be more energy efficient and save on their electricity bill while they’re at it.
Utility companies and manufactures nationwide will also be holding gatherings to showcase and celebrate energy efficiency techniques. We would encourage everyone to find an Energy Efficiency Day event in their area so that they can join in.
The excitement coming from the manufacturing sector makes a lot of sense. Their industry relies heavily on massive amounts of electricity to power their factories and deliver goods across supply chains.
U.S. Manufacturing is a huge energy consumer, and the industry is positioned to reap the benefits of energy efficient technologies. In June, the Alliance for Industrial Efficiency, released a study that found 43 percent of the nation’s biggest manufacturers have publicly committed to save energy efficiency.
The study found examples of companies across the nation that are focusing on meeting energy efficiency goals. Texas and California lead in the pack with their massive energy industries, and the report also notes that utilities play an important role in companies’ ability to become more energy efficient.
We’re glad to see so many step up and support efficient energy consumption during the 3rd annual Energy Efficiency Day. We need everyone to take part to discuss and take action towards more clean and renewable energy practices.