We’re pleased to see that our friends at the Clean Energy Business Network (CEBN), in conjunction with the release of Business Council for Sustainable Energy’s (BCSE)2018 Sustainable Energy in America Factbook, just launched a new “Faces Behind the Facts” feature. This companion project tells the stories of business leaders who are advancing renewable energy by working with communities nationwide to find clean energy solutions, similar to the CRES “Business Spotlight” blog posts.
The project showcases forward-thinking leaders such as Laura Thompson of Flow Energy. Laura was inspired by the company’s innovative precision valves, which cut down on HVAC energy waste. She is currently helping the company expand into new markets.
John Atkins of TerraShares is another “face” profiled in the project. John was a clean energy pioneer who began working with solar power systems in the 1980s. Now John is working on new methods of coupling solar with other sources of clean energy to harness heat that is usually lost while generating power in conventional ways.
These stories show how proactive individuals can lead their industries towards a sustainable future by creating new opportunities in the clean energy economy. Their drive to better our future exemplifies CEBN’s mission and helps the group put a human face on the fight for renewable energy.
And, in case you missed it, CRES Forum spotlighted another “face” earlier this year with Onboard Dynamics through a video interview. Onboard Dynamics is making mobile fueling for compressed natural gas a reality for fleet vehicles everywhere. Read more about their story here.
CEBN plans to continue the project and will release additional stories leading up to National Clean Energy Week in September.
And if you haven’t had a chance to peruse the factbook yet, we recommend taking some time to do so. It is one of the most reliable resources for clean energy advocates, providing new market information for a wide range of energy and energy-related industries focusing on our economy’s shift toward renewable energy in 2017. Among the most interesting findings in the factbook:
- New U.S. wind and solar build, combined with an easing drought in the West, drove renewable generation up from 15% to 18% of the total electricity mix in one year.
- Consumers devoted a smaller share of their spending towards electricity than at any time ever recorded.
- Energy efficiency was the top employer within the sustainable energy sectors, and solar was the fasting growing among all electricity generation technologies.
We commend CEBN and BCSE for their continued dedication to clean energy advancement and look forward to seeing more of the “Faces Behind the Facts.” These stories are demonstrating how clean energy grows our economy and strengthening national security every day.